Postitatud rubriiki Arhiiv
Tootja: Olympia Mudel: Splendid 66 Toodetud: 1962. aastal. Lääne-Saksamaa. Font: Pica, 10 märki tolli kohta Seisukord: Väga heas korras. Kaal: 4.2kg
The perfect portable!
It sure is, at least Splendid 66 is the safest and most reliable bet for the best portable! Hermes Baby with round keys and some so to say “better constructed and adjusted” Kolibri’s are also pretty good!
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The perfect portable!
It sure is, at least Splendid 66 is the safest and most reliable bet for the best portable! Hermes Baby with round keys and some so to say “better constructed and adjusted” Kolibri’s are also pretty good!